peace to all of you
kame sign
kame toon
kame type
september 2001

atypi was in copenhagen this year.

> read about atypi 2001
> see pictures of atypi 2001
> stroll through copenhagen

kame's yearly september travel
led to europe again.

scheduled appearance in barcelona
had to be canceled on the way
due to september 11
midway en route through france.

'france-inter' reported the incidents
one-by-one on the car radio
while driving through lovely provence
thoughts and feelings confused
more details in person.

europe handled it well
good information and education
is paramount.

truth is the first casualty of war

paris had la defense up
and all tubes polished.
kame went to the
50th anniversary conference
of alliance graphique internationale.

> take une promenade

orange - a nifty town
(and such a nice name)
offered curious visuals

> just an idea

berlin wrapped a house in love letters and remembers deceased artists
on another house

> onward
< back